Release 2020-50


Dec 11, 2020




PEN-1308 - Slug availability check
OZ-147 - Entry Editor Implementation
UP-1452 - Adding <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> to
RUN-2637 - Select A/B test hypothesis based on data from CDN
PRO-461 - Improve the functionality of email signup forms to AMP
PEN-1679 - Save Site.path field when we create a region.
PEN-1480 - SSO/SAML: take it live on
OZ-201 - Storing the value of the GA V4
OZ-157 - Backend integration with Verizon
MNI-971 - Add support for Unicode Range on font element
MNI-948 - Resolve Mobile Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
IEEE-120 - Backend - storing Parsely ID from the field in the stats dashboard
HD-597 - Improve posts export response
BT-568 - Make links in captions in Apple News clickable
API-2164 - Add tag pages to Sitemap
API-2091 - Use six for StringIO objects
OZ-218 - AMP version of Verizon integration

Bug fixes

LVP-1029 - Twitter share disabled after video upload
AUTH-2695 - Twitter embed disappearing on Scheduling article to next day
RS-482 - [Alternet] Delay in push notifications
MAMA-1326 - Keep Reading broken in Safari mobile