Release 2020-51


Dec 20, 2020



New Features

PEN-1650 - Entry editor: add support for regions in the sidebar
DCT-1109 - SmartNews RSS Template
RS-500 - OneSignal API
PEN-1725 - Leasing: Redirects
OZ-257- Create support for brightcove data player
OZ-255 - Expose new GA4 field on graphql
OZ-250 - Add url parameter to show Analytics V4
OZ-241 - Improve SEO performance of TheoPlayer integration


AUTH-2705 - Remove amp settings from the dashboard
RUN-2624 - L&D Entry Editor make easy to go to version
RUN-2638 - Next Gen Image element
RUN-2607 - Replace "search" source with "filtered" source
RS-505 - Strore Media Assets
MNI-981- Display all content: Posts older than 90 days
MNI-913 - Remove custom Mailchimp integration from monolith
IEEE-96 - Restricting RebelMouse API Keys to only Admins
DD-120 - Manual instrumentation for databases in Sentry
DD-119 - Experiment with limiting the amount of active external resources
DD-118 - Unify lazy embed strategy
API-2169 - Extend tags pages limit in Sitemap
API-2142 - Get rid of jQuery on core/in and /core/users/email_login/ pages
VIC-4951 - Create deadline-checking middleware in the monolith
HG-272 - SSL setup

Bug fixes

RNB-853 - EE styler on L&D issues
QA-330 - EE - regression tests - Found 2 elements with non-unique id #editable-date
SEN-610 - AttributeError: 'JpegImageFile' object has no attribute 'sequence'
SEN-609 - RequestError: RequestError(400, u'x_content_parse_exception', u'[1:27] [bool] failed to parse field [must]')
SEN-603 - GraphQLLocatedError: section_not_found
RUN-2661 - Thumbnail URL missing in video structured data - video in post body
RS-506 - Lazy load element in L&D is loading inifnintely
MNI-988 - Homepage Scroll Bug - repeating footer blocks
MAMA-1332 - Keep Reading still broken in Safari mobile
DCT-1115 - FB IA issues due to page speed optimizations
API-2168 - LookupError: section_not_found